Zhongshan Lu was Qingdao’s main commercial street during colonial German times. It remained the main high street for Qingdao throughout the 20th century until the population center of the city shifted east during the 1990’s.

When the Qingdao City Hall moved to its current location on Hong Kong Middle Road (renamed to commemorate the return of Hong Kong to China’s administration in 1997), there was an accompanying construction boom along the coast in the area around the new government seat.
Accelerating the move eastward was the redevelopment of villages into modern high rise apartment blocks, such as in Fushansuo ( now Xin Gui Du), Xinjiazhuang (Hong Kong Gardens), and Maidao (south of Qingdao University).

Prior to that, Zhongshan Lu was the focal point of the city, running North-South from Zhan Qiao Pier up to Guantao Lu.
Zhongshan Lu is close to the Qingdao Railway Station, which sits at the edge of Tuandao at the very tip of the Qingdao Peninsula as it hooks into Jiaozhou Bay.
Since Zhongshan Lu was the center of town from around 1900 to the 1990’s, there are many examples of international architecture styles from this period.

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