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Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport
8:12 am
4:01 am
3:41 am
Zhan Qiao
12:03 pm
Qingdao Concert Hall
11:53 am
Qingdao Artists: Zhou Hui Colour Sketches
11:00 am
Badaguan in Qingdao
5:37 am
Streets of Qingdao: Zhongshan Lu
1:58 am
Qingdao City Hall
8:58 am
May Fourth Movement
6:30 am
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Leah Wong (王丽华) is an artist from Qingdao. Check out some of her works.
The Port of Qingdao ranks second in China for foreign trade shipping volume, first for iron ore and crude oil. It’s a regular bellwether for the state of Chinese industrial demand.
Former chairman of the Qingdao Photographers’ Association Ren Xihai recorded daily life in Qingdao for years.
Weather Report, the name of both an excellent band and an epic song, is also the latest feature on QINGDAO(nese).
Liuzhao’s photos of Qingdao band The Dama Llamas featured on the front page of the blog, Jan 26. Check it out!
Blazing Sun Zen Style: Paintings by Zhou Shi Chao and You Liang Cheng.
Xu Wei (许巍) is one of the most popular musicians in China. Find out why.
Qingdao offers a lot of color, texture, and flavor to point, shoot, and click.
China 公社 (China Gongshe) is a great place to while away an afternoon in Qingdao drinking China’s favorite beverage.
Qingdao is an economic powerhouse. Here are five top consumer brands from Qingdao companies.
Qingdao is the hometown of some of the most famous film and TV stars in China – check out our Top 5 list.
Find out more about the name of the city Qingdao and the beer Tsingtao.
This is the inaugural post on, and in keeping with local customs, I’d like to declare that I sit on the sofa!